
Located in the middle of city center and the ideal stop for a break during shopping!

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Restaurant Staal Rotterdam

Staal is the eatery & Café of the striking green World Trade Center at Beursplein in Rotterdam. This restaurant was named after the architect Staal who designed the lower section of the WTC before WWII. Many offices are located nearby, which makes Staal the favourite spot for business people having lunch.

Outdoor terrace at Coolsingel Rotterdam

the restaurant section of Staal is located at the first floor, open for lunch and dinner. On the ground floor the focus is on the boulevard café with its big and sunny outdoor terrace and an interesting view on city dwellers and shoppers passing by. Restaurant Staal is a perfect pick for a quick but stylish stop during a day of shopping in the city.

Kitchen: International Free Parking: No
Group bookings: Yes Lunch: Yes
Children: Yes Outside dining: Yes
Business: Yes Waterfront dining: No
Romantic: No