
Diving, surfing and swimming on artificial waves at the canals of Rotterdam.

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Surfing the canals of Rotterdam

From spring 2019, Rotterdam kicks off with a unique and spectacular attraction: RiF010! At RiF010 you can go rafting, canoeing, surfing, swimming and even scuba diving on an artificial wave at the Steigersgracht canal, just opposite to the Rotterdam Market Hall.

RiF010 Rotterdam surf school

The RiF010 waves, which are 5 feet high at intervals of 7.5 seconds, are created by a special installation. The canal water in the sealed part of the Steigersgracht in Rotterdam is processed into clean swimming water by a hightech treatment plant. The surf waves of RiF010 are ideal for beginners, but also outdoor swimming in the city centre is great fun. F&B facilities on water level enable visitors to have a look at the surfers on the canal in Rotterdam, while drinking a cappuccino.

RiF010 Rotterdam boat rental

The sealed part of the Steigersgracht canal is accessible via shopping area Hoogstraat in Rotterdam. RiF010 Rotterdam also offers boat rental. From Rotterdam city centre you can sail all the way to Lake Kralingen or Lake Hillegersberg.


Q How can I get to RiF010 by public transport?

The RiF010 outdoor surf wave is located at the Steigersgracht canal, a side street of Hoogstraat in Rotterdam. From Rotterdam Central Station, get there by metro and stop at Beurs.

Q Is there a parking close to RiF010?

Pay to park your car in the Market Hall parking or in the surrounding streets but you will have to pay.
